West Virginia Car Insurance Calculator

West Virginia boasts 812 licensed auto insurance providers to choose from, of which 19 are located locally and 793 come from other states. Drivers should compare quotes and coverage options before selecting an ideal policy to fit their personal needs.

Your coverage selection has a direct effect on the costs of auto insurance rates. Typically, higher limits cost more than lower ones; however, when considering your personal financial circumstances it is also important to take account of significant assets like home, savings, or investments which could benefit from higher liability limits while dropping comprehensive and collision coverage altogether.

Age plays an essential part in determining auto insurance rates. Younger drivers tend to experience more accidents than their elders, making them a higher-risk group for insurers to cover; as such, they typically pay higher premiums than middle-aged drivers – though these costs can often be offset if teens join their parents’ policy.

Drivers with poor credit histories usually pay more for car insurance. Achieving a competitive rate requires maintaining an excellent credit history in West Virginia; drivers with bad histories may be able to improve it by taking steps such as correcting errors on their reports.

Not only can drivers’ age and credit score play a factor, but the vehicle they drive as well as their deductible can have an enormous effect on car insurance rates. If you own an expensive SUV, for instance, your premiums could likely increase more than someone in a mid-sized sedan would need to cover.

Decide how much of a deductible to set aside. A higher deductible can reduce monthly premium costs, but may require you to pay out-of-pocket should a claim arise.

West Virginia requires its drivers to carry at least $25,000 of uninsured motorist coverage per person and $50,000 total uninsured motorist coverage as well as $10,000 of property damage coverage at minimum; it is often wiser to purchase additional coverage than required by law as many property damage claims related to uninsured motorists are commonplace.

Other than having enough coverage, there are other steps you can take to lower auto insurance rates in West Virginia. One is paying your car insurance upfront instead of in installments; another way would be taking defensive driving courses or maintaining a clean driving record – both can yield savings that help lower premiums.

To assist with finding the ideal car insurance in West Virginia, we analyzed rates from major insurance providers. Our calculations used an SUV driven by a 30-year-old man with an excellent driving record in ZIP code 26901 as the basis of comparison and included policies with state minimum coverage and a $250 deductible.