Washington Car Insurance Calculator

Washington Car Insurance Calculator

Use this Washington Car Insurance Calculator to estimate how much your premium will cost. This calculator takes into account factors like your location, vehicle year and make/model/year combination as well as driving history into consideration, plus optional coverages like collision, personal injury protection (PIP) and uninsured motorist coverages. In Washington state, liability, bodily injury and property damage coverage are minimum requirements; additional coverages such as medical bills coverage as well as replacement vehicle cost coverage should also be added for optimal peace of mind. Other common optional coverages include collision and comprehensive.

Driving records are one of the primary determinants of car insurance rates, from speeding tickets and at-fault accidents to DUI convictions and even repeat offenses. Insurance companies raise rates accordingly because these incidents present greater risks on the road; typically a 15% premium increase for each incident with repeat offenders subject to larger premium increases.

Credit score and age are also major determining factors of car insurance prices in Washington. Young drivers, typically those in their early 20s, tend to pay the highest premiums due to limited driving experience and their increased likelihood of engaging in risky behavior such as speeding or distracted driving. Over time however, their premium rates often decrease with experience gained as they demonstrate safe driving habits; additional savings opportunities could come by enrolling in telematics programs which offer premium discounts when good driving behavior is demonstrated.

Other major factors affecting car prices in Washington beyond driving records are your type and model of car as well as where you reside. Luxury cars usually command higher insurance premiums compared to cheaper SUVs or other models less susceptible to damage or theft; drivers living in cities often pay more due to increased traffic volumes and accident risks than drivers in rural areas.

There are various ways of saving on car insurance in Washington, such as opting for minimum coverage and discounts, bundling policies and increasing deductibles – even increasing payment frequency or shopping around – can all help to lower premiums. Compare quotes and shop around to find the most cost-effective coverage provider for you based on your individual driver profile. To help get you started, we’ve compiled this list of Washington’s lowest cost car insurers below. Based on our research, PEMCO and GEICO are currently the most cost-effective insurers in Washington for drivers of various driving profiles. However, this list may shift with new information or as providers evaluate pricing policies. To stay up-to-date on rates from top companies enter your personal details into our car insurance calculator to get estimates for Liability, Collision, and Comprehensive coverages.