Before purchasing car insurance in Arizona, it’s essential to know how much it will cost. That’s because rates depend on factors like your age, gender, ZIP code and driving record – our free Arizona Car Insurance Calculator makes this simple by helping estimate annual and monthly premiums quickly before providing personalized rates from top carriers quickly.
The calculator takes into account your preferred coverage levels, amount of driving time spent each month, commute times and other details that are specific to each driver. Commuters with longer commutes should expect higher premiums since commuting increases accident risks so having enough liability insurance is essential for driving safely.
Make and model of your vehicle can also play an impactful role when it comes to paying auto insurance premiums. Luxury and electric cars tend to attract higher premiums than standard sedans or trucks due to being more costly to repair or replace than other types of cars and trucks.
Insurance providers also consider your neighborhood’s crime rate and medical care costs when setting rates, hoping to minimize their financial risk while passing savings onto their customers.
Geographic and demographic factors are certainly significant contributors to your car insurance costs; however, other variables also come into play such as your age, gender, driving record, credit score and type of vehicle you drive. Furthermore, your coverage choice and deductible selection could have an effect on final rates as well.
To help you gain a clearer idea of car insurance costs across Arizona, we created an interactive table which compares rates across cities in the state. It displays average annual full coverage premiums as well as those for minimum and full coverage policies with various deductible levels.
Arizona drivers on average pay less than the national average of $165 monthly for car insurance premiums due to having a large population of younger drivers who tend to experience higher accident rates than older ones.
Addition of a teenage driver can increase rates up to threefold; having poor credit can increase them twofold. Furthermore, selecting different forms of coverage has an impactful influence on rates–property damage liability covers other people’s vehicles and belongings in an accident while collision coverage only pays to repair or replace your own vehicle in cases of an incident.
The Arizona Car Insurance Calculator can give you an idea of the costs associated with different types of auto insurance policies, but for best results it’s advisable to speak to a reputable agent prior to making a decision. A knowledgeable agent will help find an optimal balance between quality service and affordability as well as assist in the process of comparing car insurance providers in Arizona.