Using a Car Insurance Calculator

Using a Georgia car insurance calculator is a good way to get an idea of what you’re likely to pay for car insurance. The cost of coverage in Georgia can vary greatly from city to city, and even within cities. By comparing quotes, you’ll be able to find the best insurance at the best price.

Georgia law requires that drivers carry minimum liability insurance. This insurance protects others in case of an accident, and pays for other drivers’ medical expenses and vehicle repairs. Liability coverage isn’t enough to protect your car, so you may want to purchase comprehensive and collision insurance as well.

Insurers use several factors to determine car insurance costs. The age and gender of a driver are among the most important factors. Younger drivers are more likely to have accidents, which increases the cost of insurance. Younger drivers also have less experience driving, which increases the risk of an accident. You may also be charged higher rates if you have a poor credit rating. You may be able to get better rates by combining existing insurance with a new policy.

Another factor that affects the cost of car insurance in Georgia is the type of vehicle you drive. Generally, the less expensive the vehicle, the lower the cost of coverage. If you drive a low value vehicle, you can probably afford to pay for any repairs yourself. However, if your vehicle is very valuable, you may need to purchase comprehensive and collision coverage. This will protect your car in case of accidents and theft. You may also want to purchase rental car reimbursement, which pays for the cost of renting a vehicle if yours is stolen or damaged.

Insurers also consider your vehicle’s model and model year. If you drive a newer car, you may want to consider a policy with higher liability limits.

Drivers who have a poor credit score can also pay more for car insurance. Insurers use your credit score to determine how likely you are to file a claim. Drivers with poor credit have a higher risk of being involved in a car accident, so their rates will be higher.

The minimum car insurance coverage in Georgia includes liability insurance, property damage liability, and bodily injury liability per person. You can also get medical payments coverage, which pays for medical expenses if you are involved in an accident. Adding a teen driver to your policy can increase your car insurance costs by 3.1x.

There are several different types of insurance companies in Georgia. You can get a list of them by searching online. You can also use a site like ValChoice to compare insurers. Once you enter your personal information, you can get quotes from a variety of companies.

Insurers in Georgia also consider several other factors, including your driving history. You may have to pay more if you’ve been involved in a DUI or speeding ticket. You may also be charged a fine of up to $185 if you are caught driving without insurance. The cost of your insurance will also increase if you’re involved in an at-fault accident. You may also be charged with a DUI tag, which can cancel your policy.