The Factors That Affect the Cost of Car Insurance With the MoneyGeek Ohio Car Insurance Calculator

Car insurance is legally mandated in every state, including Ohio. Getting a free online quote only takes 10-15 minutes; drivers should compare rates from multiple carriers for optimal policy options before selecting their perfect policy provider. MoneyGeek’s Ohio Car Insurance Calculator helps drivers estimate their premium and pinpoint which insurers have the lowest premiums.

Ohio car insurance rates depend on various factors, ranging from your age and driving history to vehicle type and credit score. While these are mostly beyond your control, shopping around for rates with several providers is still likely to save money.

Coverage levels can be an influential factor when choosing an auto policy in Ohio. State minimum limits often aren’t sufficient to protect from serious expenses incurred after an accident, so it’s essential that you determine how much coverage fits with your unique situation.

Full coverage policies in Ohio that combine liability, comprehensive and collision coverage will cost more than the state minimum policy but provide greater financial protection from major financial losses. You may also choose additional coverages like medical payments, uninsured/underinsured motorist and roadside assistance coverages to customize your policy even further.

Other variables affecting Ohio car insurance costs include your location, job and whether or not there have been previous claims or violations on your record. Typically speaking, higher risk drivers will pay more for car insurance in Ohio; expect a premium that’s considerably higher if recent accidents or violations occurred as this will put an increased strain on their coverage than drivers with clean records.

On average, drivers in Cleveland and Columbus tend to pay the highest car insurance premiums in Ohio. This may be due to there being more drivers and cars present there – making these larger cities more susceptible to traffic accidents and potential risks.

Your credit score has an immediate effect on the cost of your policy, as carriers see drivers with poor credit as high-risk clients. But don’t despair–taking steps to improve it before purchasing a car could save on Ohio car insurance rates!

As it can be seen, three main factors that impact Ohio car insurance rates are age, driving record and credit score. You can use MoneyGeek’s Ohio Car Insurance Calculator to estimate your rate and make sure you don’t overpay. If you’re having issues with your policy provider or need help filing complaints against them, MoneyGeek recommends visiting Ohio’s Department of Insurance; otherwise it might be time for you to switch providers altogether for greater savings.