Texas Car Insurance Calculator – How to Lower Your Rates

Texas car insurance costs an average of $2,398 annually or $200 monthly with full coverage policies. Your rates may differ based on individual factors; your costs could be more or less than this state average; to reduce them further there are steps you can take such as comparing quotes; make sure all policies offer equal levels of coverage and deductibles to find one with similar policies that matches what is offered locally.

Consider your driving history when looking at car insurance rates. A clean record is key to keeping premiums affordable; even one moving violation could increase them by 50 percent or more! And it should be remembered that a DUI could result in cancellation of coverage altogether.

Your vehicle’s make and model are also key factors when it comes to setting car insurance premiums. Insurers use crash data on specific models with regards to safety features to assess risk; generally speaking, sport cars and luxury vehicles will incur higher premiums than standard sedans.

Other factors affecting your rate include your age and level of coverage chosen. Teen drivers typically pay more than middle-aged drivers, while senior citizens usually have the least expensive rates. Also consider increasing your liability coverage levels; doing so will protect you against lawsuits for damages exceeding liability limits and potentially reduce rates accordingly.

Location is also an essential consideration; living in an urban area with high rates of car accidents will increase your rates more than living in rural areas. Furthermore, consider how far you drive each day; if it surpasses 38.1 miles daily on average then your premium may increase more quickly than someone who travels less.

Your credit score is also taken into consideration by some insurers when offering car insurance policies in Texas. A higher credit score could save you money on premiums since insurers assume you are more financially responsible. Nonetheless, most people do not possess perfect credit ratings and this should not prevent them from finding affordable coverage options in Texas.

Discounts have an impactful influence on car insurance premiums, too. They could include discounts for being an excellent driver, bundling home and auto policies together, taking defensive driving classes or enrolling in other discounts programs – it’s essential that you conduct thorough research into all available discounts to make sure that you receive the lowest possible rates.

To help you locate the cheapest car insurance in Texas, we researched 18 companies offering coverage in this state and compared costs for minimum and full coverage policies for a driver aged 40 with no violations on their driving record. Of these insurers, Geico, Allstate, USAA State Farm Nationwide were identified as among the five cheapest options in the state.