North Carolina Car Insurance Calculator

North Carolina Car Insurance Calculator

Car insurance can be expensive, but there are ways to cut costs. The Zebra’s North Carolina Car Insurance Calculator can assist drivers in finding affordable policies based on their personal details, driving history and location. Factors influencing average car insurance rates in North Carolina include age, gender and amount of coverage provided – for those wanting to reduce premiums further they could consider driving less frequently or bundling home and auto policies together to qualify for discounts.

North Carolina drivers must carry at least some minimum liability coverage; however, minimum limits may not cover the expenses of an expensive accident. As such, many opt to increase their coverage by adding collision and comprehensive to their policy; though adding these extra features will increase rates, they could prove invaluable should an incident occur. MoneyGeek suggests opting for full coverage that includes medical payments, PIP (Personal Injury Protection), UIM/UM and gap coverage to get the best value car insurance policies available in North Carolina.

Not only can your coverage amount have an effect on your car insurance rates, but your credit score also has a big part. Insurers typically associate poor credit with higher-risk drivers and charge them more. But there are ways you can improve and decrease your rate; such as paying off debt, lowering credit card utilization rates or getting secured or unsecured loans.

Age can have a big effect on a driver’s car insurance rates, as younger drivers are considered riskier. There are ways to bring down teenage rates though; such as adding them onto a family policy and searching for better deals.

Gender can play an influential role in car insurance rates, with men typically paying more than female policyholders for coverage. However, there are certain states such as Hawaii and Massachusetts which don’t consider gender when setting rates.

Your driving mileage can also have an effect on car insurance rates; more miles on the road increase the chances of an accident occurring and thus drivers who commute long distances or cover a significant business mileage will typically pay more for coverage.

Car insurance rates can also be determined by prior driving incidents and points accrued on one’s record, such as DUI or serious traffic infraction charges or incidents such as speeding tickets. While DUI or serious traffic infraction charges will drive up rates significantly, finding cheap North Carolina car insurance with such records still possible by shopping around and taking advantage of discounts like safe driver incentives can lower rates as much as 961 annually! Ready to save? Enter your ZIP code below for online comparison quotes now.