Massachusetts Car Insurance Calculator

Massachusetts may be one of the least-expensive states for car insurance, but drivers still have options to save. Comparing quotes is the key to saving on premiums; increasing your deductible also results in cheaper premiums.

There are various factors that determine your Massachusetts car insurance rates, which depend on factors like your age, driving record and coverage level. Liability only car insurance tends to be cheaper, followed by full coverage with a low deductible policy – although exactly how much it costs may depend on factors like your chosen deductible amount and value of vehicle.

Age is a key determinant in establishing Massachusetts car insurance premiums. Teen drivers face higher premiums as their lack of driving experience increases the chance of them getting into an accident, while drivers between 30-60 experience the lowest average rates.

Driving history is another key consideration that insurance providers use to assess customer reliability. They look at accident and ticket histories to see whether there will be multiple claims that require reimbursement by them; an increase in speeding tickets and DUI convictions will have serious repercussions, while having had multiple at-fault accidents will increase premiums significantly.

Your address is also an essential factor, as different neighborhoods present different levels of risk to insurers. Some areas may have higher crime, traffic or car theft levels while others do not; as a result, insurance companies will charge drivers living in areas with increased crime risk more for their policies than those living in lower risk neighborhoods.

Gender and marital status aren’t considered rating factors by auto insurance providers in Massachusetts, which is great news for men and women looking for the best rates on car insurance policies. If you are planning to marry soon, however, comparing quotes might yield better deals as this could often result in cheaper coverage options.

While credit scores are an integral factor in most states’ rating systems, Massachusetts has banned them as part of the insurance calculation process. You should still expect to pay slightly more than your peers with excellent credit histories but that does not preclude you from finding an affordable provider and rate plan.

Massachusetts drivers often add extra protections on top of standard coverage, including mechanical breakdown coverage which acts like an extended car warranty and personal injury protection (PIP) and optional BI to Others coverage (which covers medical payments for them and their passengers when their at-fault driver cannot be identified).