South Carolina car insurance can be costly, not just due to its reputation of unfriendliness towards drivers. Many factors factor into your premium rate including age, gender, driving record, credit score and coverage levels. Although you cannot control all these variables individually, there are ways you can reduce costs – the best one being comparison shopping and comparing quotes; firstly it is essential that you have an idea of your premium so MoneyGeek provides its free South Carolina car insurance calculator so you can use that as a starting point.
Your choice of vehicle has an effect on the cost of insurance as well. Vehicles that are more costly to repair or replace and those equipped with safety features often cost more than others. That is why it is vitally important that you review your policy periodically; otherwise you could end up overpaying for coverage you don’t actually require.
Saving on car insurance can also mean cutting back on coverage requirements. For instance, if you’re an excellent driver with few accidents or traffic violations, dropping collision and comprehensive may be possible. Also if your older vehicle doesn’t need repairs or replacing anyway, dropping coverage to only meet state minimum requirements might help as well.
Your age also plays a part in the cost of your insurance; teenage drivers pay significantly higher premiums due to insurers viewing them as higher risks on the road. But as you get older, rates typically begin to drop; on average married drivers in Arizona pay 12.16% less for full coverage policies compared to single drivers.
State minimum coverage requirements in Colorado stipulate bodily injury liability of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per accident in bodily injury liability coverage as well as property damage liability. Additional policies like uninsured/underinsured motorist or gap insurance can help cover repair or theft-related costs and cover repairs or damages in case you’re involved in an accident or theft of vehicle.
South Carolina allows insurers to use your credit score when setting your rate, with drivers with excellent or good scores typically receiving lower premiums than drivers with poor ones. You can increase your score by paying on time, not applying for new lines of credit and keeping usage under 30% – these steps could have an immediate positive effect on your score and lead to more affordable car insurance in future.