Car insurance is an essential expense that protects both yourself and others in the event of an accident. Your choice of type and amount of coverage can make an impactful statement about who drives and their driving habits – it should take these aspects into consideration before selecting appropriate protection for yourself.
Kansas boasts some of the lowest minimum coverage car insurance rates in the nation, with average annual premiums being 19% lower than their national counterparts. Cost of car insurance will depend on age, driving record and location.
Young drivers tend to pay more for car insurance due to their inexperience behind the wheel. Furthermore, any DUI, traffic ticket or at-fault accident on your record could increase premiums significantly.
Your credit score can have a direct influence on your auto insurance rates. Insurance providers take your history into consideration when underwriting policies, with low scores generally signalling greater risk and higher ones leading to reduced rates.
Kansas is a no-fault insurance state, meaning your car insurance provider will cover medical expenses for both yourself and any passengers regardless of who caused an accident. This helps keep insurance premiums lower than they would be in an at-fault state such as Florida, for instance.
Along with your driving history and vehicle type, gender plays an integral part in determining how much car insurance costs in Kansas. USAA estimates an annual premium rate for male drivers in the state of $1,333 while female drivers typically incur costs between $635-695 with USAA policies.
While Kansas law mandates minimum auto insurance requirements, many drivers opt to purchase more than just liability coverage. Full coverage policies often include collision and comprehensive protection as well as liability. On average, full-coverage policies cost an estimated average cost of $1,594.
Your ZIP code can have an enormous effect on the cost of car insurance rates as different areas pose different levels of risk to insurers. Factors to be considered may include crime rates, accident frequency/claim frequency/cost associated with repairs in your area and repair prices in general.