How MoneyGeek’s Car Insurance Calculator Can Help You Get the Best Rates

Mississippi car owners should know when shopping for auto insurance that their premium costs depend on more than just driving habits and claims history alone. Companies also consider age, credit history, marital status and the type of car being driven when establishing premium costs.

Though Mississippi state laws only mandate minimum 25/50/25 liability coverage policies for drivers, many opt to purchase full coverage instead – which provides collision and comprehensive protection – often at twice the cost of basic liability-only policies. MoneyGeek suggests comparing quotes in order to find the most cost-effective auto insurance rates in Mississippi.

Insurance premiums depend on your region of residence, with urban areas featuring heavy traffic and increased accident risks attracting higher premiums than rural locations. Drivers living in these urban areas might benefit from switching to rural regions where premiums tend to be significantly less; regional insurers such as Erie Insurance, Alfa Insurance or Farm Bureau Insurance could offer cheaper premiums compared to national providers like State Farm, Geico or Nationwide.

Driving habits and claims history are two key components that impact car insurance rates in Mississippi; other variables, including credit score, location and coverage levels can also have a profound effect. To give you a better sense of the costs associated with Mississippi car insurance policies, use our car insurance calculator below – this tool takes into account all major rating factors to estimate your monthly premium as well as compare average rates across companies, locations and coverage levels.

Your car makes an important contribution to how much Mississippi car insurance should cost; some models may be more costly to repair or more likely to be stolen than others. A sports car or luxury vehicle, for instance, tends to incur higher repair bills than standard sedans or SUVs – this explains why premiums tend to be higher on these types of models than similar vehicles.

Addition of a teenage driver can increase the price of Mississippi auto insurance by as much as threefold depending on their age and gender, so it is especially important to compare quotes before adding one to your policy.

Saving on Mississippi car insurance may be possible through taking a driver improvement course, with rates sometimes decreasing up to 10% or even more depending on your company and personal circumstances.

MoneyGeek’s Mississippi car insurance calculator can show you just how much a higher or lower deductible could impact your premium, so a good idea would be to get quotes with both options in order to determine which option best meets your budget.