How a Car Insurance Calculator Can Help You Get the Best Rates

Georgia is home to over 10 million residents, and if you’re among them, car insurance coverage will be essential. While state laws only mandate minimum liability coverage, it would be prudent to carry more as medical bills and property damage can quickly pile up. Not only will Georgia car insurance ensure you’re covered if an accident happens but it could also cover lost wages and any services needed due to an injury claim.

Your choice of car and coverage will have an impact on the premiums you pay, with insurers often considering its value when calculating rates; high-value models often incur higher premiums. To lower costs and save money by bundling policies with renters or homeowners insurance providers – many offer discounts. When setting rates, insurers also consider the value of your vehicle when setting them; higher priced models usually command higher premiums than less valuable vehicles.

Your driving record can have a dramatic effect on Georgia auto insurance rates, and maintaining a clean record is the best way to keep premiums down. Any traffic violations or accidents on your driving record could increase premiums significantly more than someone with no violations or accidents in their past history.

Credit scores can also have a major effect on Georgia car insurance premiums. While certain states prohibit using credit when calculating premiums, Georgia does not. Drivers with excellent credit usually enjoy lower premiums because they file claims less often.

Your coverage selection and choice can have a dramatic effect on Georgia car insurance premiums, along with your chosen deductible amount. State law mandates minimum limits of $25,000 bodily injury liability per person and $50,000 total bodily injury liability per accident for multiple victims; as well as $25,000 property damage liability coverage per incident. It’s important to remember that if damages from an at-fault accident exceed these amounts, then any remaining difference could come out of pocket; so it is wiser to purchase more coverage than is legally mandated by Georgia state.

Bankrate’s car insurance calculator is intended to give you an approximate idea of your premiums depending on which coverage options you select. Our rate estimates are based on an ideal case scenario: A 30-year-old male, with an impeccable driving record who owns and drives a 2022 Toyota Camry commutes five days per week covering 12,000 miles annually with good credit rating and maximum allowable coverage limits selected; you can change variables to see how they impact rates as well as explore discounts such as good driver discounts or usage-based programs such as Telematics that could help save even further when purchasing auto insurance policies in Georgia.