How a Car Insurance Calculator Can Help You Get a Clear Picture of Your Options

Utah Car Insurance Calculator

If you’re wondering how much car insurance costs in Utah, you’re not alone. Drivers in Utah pay an average of $1,469 per year for coverage. However, there are a few factors that can affect your rates. Using a Utah car insurance calculator can help you get a clear picture of your options.

You can start by learning about Utah’s minimum auto insurance requirements. The state requires drivers to carry $25,000 bodily injury liability per accident and $3000 personal injury protection (PIP). This is a fairly low number, but you should still consider adding additional liability coverage. This type of insurance covers medical expenses and property damage if you’re at fault in an accident. You can also purchase uninsured motorist coverage, which pays for your damages if you’re hit by an uninsured driver.

The age group you’re in plays a major role in your Utah car insurance premiums. Younger drivers, such as teens, are considered high risk because they have less driving experience and are more likely to get into an accident.

Keeping a clean record will help you earn lower Utah car insurance rates. You may even be able to get a discount if you take a safe driving class. Several insurance companies offer discounts for defensive driving courses.

Other factors that can impact your Utah auto insurance premiums include your car and your driving habits. If you drive a high-end automobile, you will pay more than a typical driver. You should also look into comprehensive and collision coverage. If your car isn’t particularly expensive, you may want to skip these policies, but if it’s a nice car, you may find you can get a discount for it.

The state’s crime rate is quite low. This helps to keep rates in check, and the average car insurance in Utah is about $213 less than the national average.

Despite the low crime rate, Utah has a high number of uninsured drivers. 6.50% of the state’s drivers are uninsured. These numbers mean that you’ll be paying a higher premium if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver. You can protect yourself from this by getting an SR-22.

Your credit score can also affect your insurance rates. If you have a poor credit history, you will be labeled as irresponsible and will have to pay a higher premium. This is because an insurance company considers your bad driving habits and previous violations when calculating your rates.

If you’re a teen, you should be able to get a discount. Teens are more likely to be involved in car accidents than any other generation. You can get a discount if you pass a safe driving course or if your parents have a good driving record.

If you have a DUI on your driving record, you will be ineligible for a discount. You can also try to find an insurance provider that offers a high-risk discount. It’s best to compare several insurers to find the best deal.