Connecticut Car Insurance Calculator

The Connecticut Car Insurance Calculator can help drivers estimate the cost of auto insurance policies in Connecticut. The calculator takes into account coverage options, personal factors and car specifications such as year, make and model to provide an estimated quote from insurers in their state. Furthermore, certain aspects may have differing impacts across insurers.

Our car insurance calculator uses personal information such as age, driving history and type of vehicle a driver owns to calculate an accurate car insurance quote. Additionally, this tool also accounts for desired coverage level and deductible level preferences which can have an enormous impact on costs; having a higher deductible reduces premium costs but requires you to pay out-of-pocket more often when filing claims.

Connecticut residents pay an average annual rate for full coverage insurance of around $145 a month. Minimum coverage costs less, but could leave your vehicle vulnerable if coverage gaps exist. Connecticut requires residents to carry at least minimum liability coverage of $100,000 bodily injury liability per person and $300,000.00 property damage per accident as minimum requirements.

Location plays an enormous role in your insurance rates. Population density, crime levels and accidents occurring within an area all influence the average rates. Our car insurance calculator takes into account year, make and model of vehicle as well as anticipated mileage annually to create an accurate quote.

Some states have restricted or banned credit scores as an indicator for car insurance rates; Connecticut does not. Your credit history has an immediate impact on your rates and serves as an indication of whether or not you may file a claim; drivers with poor credit typically pay around $1323 more annually compared to drivers with excellent credit.

At-Fault accidents on your record can have a drastic impact on the rates in Connecticut. Insurance providers assess your risk using historical information, and at-Fault accidents play an integral role in this assessment process. Young drivers tend to have lower experience behind the wheel and thus their premiums tend to be higher than older drivers’; however, these younger drivers could save money by staying under their parent’s full coverage policy for their car insurance needs.

Life events such as marriage and moving can have an impactful effect on your premium rates, along with driving distance. Driving more may increase the need for collision and comprehensive coverage on your policy; taking defensive driving classes after minor traffic violations could help avoid an at-fault accident and lower premiums accordingly; an initial DUI offense will increase rates by an estimated average of $1,199 so it is crucial that you carefully consider your options when selecting coverage that’s suitable.