Arkansas car insurance premiums average at an estimated average annual premium of $1,768 — though costs vary greatly based on location, driving record and coverage options chosen. Use our calculator to estimate your premiums according to coverage you select, type of vehicle you drive and other variables before comparing quotes from top providers to find the best possible offer.
Age and gender of drivers can be major determining factors when it comes to Arkansas car insurance rates. Younger drivers, such as teens, often pay the highest premiums due to being at greater risk for having accidents or traffic violations; by contrast, people over 65 typically enjoy lower premiums than other age groups.
Driving history and credit score play an essential role when calculating car insurance rates in Arkansas. Drivers involved in at-fault accidents, DUI convictions or other major violations will see their rates skyrocket significantly, but there may still be ways for high-risk drivers to obtain less costly auto coverage in Arkansas such as lowering coverage limits or selecting a higher deductible amount.
Arkansas residents can save money by bundling both home and car insurance policies with one company. Doing this may reduce premiums by as much as 20%. Ultimately, whether this strategy makes financial sense will depend on each driver’s individual circumstances and needs.
Arkansas laws mandate all drivers and front seat passengers wear seat belts when operating a motor vehicle, while texting or talking on the phone while driving is illegal.
Complementing the minimum coverage required by your state, it’s also wise to add comprehensive and collision coverage as additional forms of peace-of-mind for both yourself and other drivers involved in an accident caused by you. While comprehensive/collision policies are more costly than liability-only policies, they provide extra peace-of-mind by covering damages caused by you that occur through no fault of their own. They may provide peace of mind – and help avoid penalties associated with driving without insurance altogether.
At all times, keeping your car insurance up-to-date is equally as crucial. The state uses a database to track vehicle registration and can notify drivers who lapsed in coverage with letters requiring them to secure new policies or face fines. With the new program’s convenient tracking function and reminder notifications, staying insured shouldn’t become difficult or unpredictable!
Insurance companies set car insurance rates according to the overall risk in any given location. Certain parts of Arkansas pose more of a threat due to factors like crime rate, traffic congestion and car thefts; to mitigate those risks you can take steps such as improving driving skills and keeping a clean driving record; as well as shopping around and comparing car insurance quotes online to save time and effort and potentially save hundreds on Arkansas car insurance policies.