Arkansas Car Insurance Calculator

Car insurance rates are determined by a variety of factors, such as your driving record and vehicle. The Arkansas Car Insurance Calculator helps you calculate how much coverage you need and compare quotes from different companies to find the best deal possible for you.

Minimum Coverage

Arkansas’ minimum insurance requirements include liability coverage that pays for damages you cause others and your own car up to a maximum of $255,000 per person and $50,000 per accident. It also includes collision and comprehensive insurance, which protects your own car in case it gets damaged in an accident with another car or object.

If you’re searching for cheap insurance in Arkansas, consider getting a policy with higher liability limits and comprehensive coverage. While these may cost more up front, the savings over time will be substantial.

Credit Scores and Discounts

In Arkansas, insurers may use your credit score when calculating premiums. Therefore, it’s worth checking to see what steps you can take to improve your score. Drivers with higher credit scores tend to pay their bills on time which could lower your premium costs.

Local Insurance Company

If you live in a rural area, check with your local insurer to see if they offer better rates than national companies. They may have fewer customers, so they could provide you with an affordable policy.

DUI/DWI Convictions

A conviction for DUI or DWI on your record can significantly raise your auto insurance rate by up to 81%. Fortunately, there is a process for expunging this conviction from your record so it won’t stay there permanently.

Teen Drivers

In Arkansas, teen drivers must complete a three-step graduated license program in order to attain full driving privileges. Although this can be stressful for them, it does give them valuable experience behind the wheel and reduces their likelihood of having an accident.

Maintaining a clean driving record is essential for getting low insurance rates. However, other factors like your age and car make and model can affect your rate as well.

Save on your premium by shopping around for different coverage levels; some providers offer discounts if you complete a defensive driving course or install safety equipment in your car. Furthermore, optional benefits like medical payments coverage pay for any medical expenses after an accident and uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage cover injuries sustained due to someone hitting you without insurance.

Your driving habits and claims history are two of the most influential factors when it comes to calculating your auto insurance premiums in Arkansas. But other elements can also have an effect on this decision.

Where You Live

Each city and town in Arkansas has its own distinct demographics, crime rate and accident history that can influence your annual auto insurance rate estimate. To find out what it costs you for coverage, get a free quote and compare rates from several companies.