When searching for Missouri car insurance, it’s essential that you understand what factors determine the rate you pay. A variety of variables including your age, credit score and driving history all influence this figure; your payment also depends on which coverage level (such as liability or full) you select – thus the importance of getting quotes from various providers and using an auto insurance calculator as part of your research process.
Missouri drivers typically paid an estimated average annual premium of $1,042 in 2020 for full coverage (liability, collision, and comprehensive). Your actual rate may differ based on your insurer, location, car model type and more – to find out your payment estimates use ValChoice’s car insurance calculator.
Missouri Department of Insurance regulates car insurance laws throughout Missouri. You can reach out to them with questions about your policy or make complaints against an insurer; public consumer reviews allow for transparency when researching potential partners.
Missouri law mandates that motorists carry at least 25/50/25 liability coverage to operate legally on Missouri roadways. This coverage pays for other people’s property damage and medical costs should you cause an accident, but may not fully cover your own damages. To maximize the value of your car insurance, purchase higher limits of liability coverage.
Married drivers typically enjoy lower car insurance rates than single drivers due to insurance companies viewing them as more responsible and therefore lower risks to insure. Even so, serious violations like DUI can significantly raise rates even among married individuals; though some providers offer reduced premiums for high-risk drivers.
Location can also have a profound impact on Missouri car insurance rates. Areas with stringent seat belt laws and reduced speed limits tend to see fewer traffic accidents and therefore reduced insurance costs; conversely, areas with more crime often experience car theft or vandalism that increases insurance costs significantly.
Your car type also plays a factor in Missouri auto insurance rates. Some models cost more to repair, necessitating additional coverage. Other considerations that affect rates may include safety features, fuel economy and how often you drive the vehicle.
For Missouri car insurance savings, shop around and compare rates, bundle your coverage together, maintain an excellent credit score and drive a safe vehicle. Also look out for discounts such as good grades, clean driving records and automatic payments; USAA or State Farm provide affordable high-risk policies as do pay-per-mile programs like Drive Safe & Save from State Farm.