Are You Needing Information About Car Insurance Costs in Wisconsin? Look No Further. The average annual car insurance premium in Wisconsin is only $1,429. This figure is lower than the national average of $1,632, meaning drivers in Wisconsin can expect to pay less for auto coverage.
Car insurance rates depend heavily on many variables that differ based on each driver and vehicle they drive, including vehicle type, driving record and location. Understanding these influences will allow you to make better decisions regarding coverage that is tailored specifically to you.
Use our car insurance calculator to estimate your monthly premium based on factors such as vehicle make and model, desired coverage amount and driving record. Compare it against various company rates to find the most cost-effective coverage solution for Wisconsin auto insurance coverage.
There are numerous factors that could impact your Wisconsin car insurance rates, including age, gender, driving history, credit score and location. With The Zebra’s Wisconsin car insurance calculator it’s simple to find the most competitive auto rates near you – simply enter your ZIP code and compare quotes to see how much money can be saved!
Wisconsin law mandates all drivers have at minimum $25,000 bodily injury liability per person, $50,000 total per accident, and $10,000 property damage liability coverage. Though these minimum limits must be purchased for coverage purposes, purchasing higher limits of car insurance is highly advised to protect finances in case of catastrophic accidents while giving peace of mind that all potential liabilities have been addressed.
Young and teenage drivers usually pay the highest car insurance premiums due to being perceived by insurers as high-risk drivers due to their limited driving experience. Studies show that crash rates among teen drivers are four times greater than among drivers aged 30 years and over.
Wisconsin insurers tend to view married drivers as more responsible drivers and thus offer them lower car insurance premiums than single drivers, leading them to offer reduced premiums for them.
DUI convictions in Wisconsin can significantly raise car insurance rates and result in suspended licenses, yet some Wisconsin insurers still provide coverage – USAA, Erie and State Farm rank highly according to JD Power’s 2021 auto satisfaction study and The Zebra customer survey.
Wisconsin’s top-rated auto insurers provide some of the lowest rates for drivers with DUI records. USAA provides one of the cheapest full coverage policies for DUI-infringers at just $443 annually for six-month policies.