Car insurance premiums depend on many variables, from state regulations and personal circumstances to your driving record. An at-fault accident or speeding ticket could increase rates by as much as 3.4x; other common rating elements include age, credit score and marital status. For an accurate idea of what car insurance in Maine might cost you, enter your ZIP code above to receive quotes from top providers and compare their policies side-by-side.
Outside of driving records, another way you can affect your rate in Maine car insurance is through purchasing additional coverage. Liability-only car insurance at state minimum levels tends to be the least costly option while full coverage will typically cost more.
Other ways to lower your rates include lowering your credit tier, raising your deductible and bundling policies with one insurer. Some will even offer discounts if you park in a garage instead of on the street – however be mindful that increasing your deductible reduces financial protection in case of a claim.
Location can have a dramatic impact on your insurance costs, with certain regions experiencing more traffic accidents and theft than others. While changing where you reside may be impossible, saving money by comparing rates in both city and county may help to lower premiums significantly.
Comprehensive and collision coverage are generally recommended on car policies to cover repairs following an accident, though these will not cover replacement or repair costs if your vehicle is totaled. Before making this decision, it is wise to speak to an agent and consider your options carefully before selecting the appropriate type of policy coverage for your car.
USAA and Auto-Owners tend to be among the least expensive car insurance providers in Maine for drivers with clean records, offering policy discounts of up to 30% and usage-based programs designed to further lower premiums.
Car insurance providers typically offer more than the usual policy discounts to entice new customers and retain existing ones, including loyalty discounts, safe-driver credits, vehicle safety features and anti-theft devices; plus some offer towing services, roadside assistance or rental reimbursement as an added incentive.
To save on car insurance in Maine, shop around and compare rates regularly. With such a variety of policies and rates to choose from, finding one that works for you shouldn’t be hard. In some instances, taking a defensive driving course could result in lower insurance premiums as it could earn three point credits on your license as well as reduced insurance premiums – an investment worthy of consideration by safe drivers!