How a Car Insurance Calculator Can Help You Get the Best Rates

car insurance calculator

As drivers shop for car insurance, an online calculator can assist in identifying what coverage meets state requirements and provide insights into which coverages to add for added protection or drop to save money. A car insurance calculator is particularly beneficial at renewal time or when considering changing coverage due to life events such as moving, marriage or adding drivers.

While there are various calculators, the most accurate ones take into account an array of personal and vehicle details – from your state of residence and age, driving history and car type (some models cost more to insure due to crash and theft statistics), to which car you own.

Your car loan or lease lender may also ask about how you drive, including average annual mileage and usage frequency. If you commute, your rates are likely to increase due to extra wear and tear on the car; additionally, an online calculator can take into account whether there are requirements from them regarding liability limits and other coverage options for loan/lease contracts.

Your credit score can also have a major influence on your car insurance rates, with higher scores likely translating to lower premiums in states that permit insurers to consider it when setting rates. To understand just how much your score matters for your rates, the best way is to obtain a free credit report and review it alongside checking your score.

Your choice of car can have an effect on your rates, especially if it’s a sports model or one with expensive repair needs. Such vehicles tend to be involved in accidents as well as being stolen or vandalized more frequently than sedans and other less expensive cars, which typically have lower premiums.

As with most things, adding more coverage increases your rates; comprehensive and collision coverage may add thousands to the value of your vehicle while liability coverage typically costs much less and is required in many states.

Car insurance calculators can be found both on individual insurers’ websites as well as third-party ones, often asking for information a car insurance agent would ask about. Some calculators even allow shoppers to compare quotes from multiple providers; this feature can be particularly helpful when trying to find the most cost-effective auto coverage possible. Unfortunately, however, calculators won’t provide exact rates from individual carriers themselves; those can only be obtained through filling out an online quote form.