Car Insurance Calculator – How the Factors Affect the Cost of Car Insurance

Car insurance calculators can be an invaluable asset when searching for auto insurance policies in Virginia. By giving an estimated cost estimate and helping to identify providers offering quality customer service at an affordable cost, they help find policies with the ideal balance between quality customer care and cost efficiency. Since rates from different providers can differ drastically based on driver age, location and driving record factors alone it’s essential that drivers compare them all to find their ideal deal.

Virginia car insurance premiums average $490 annually, 23% lower than the national average of $635. However, coverage levels will also have an effect on costs: for instance adding full comprehensive and collision protection can increase annual premiums by an estimated average of $260 but provides much-needed protection against damages caused by uninsured or underinsured drivers.

Not to be underestimated is that although the District of Columbia technically functions as a state, Washington D.C. stands apart when it comes to finding affordable car insurance policies in Virginia. That’s because D.C. offers many attractions – museums, history and the Cherry Blossom Festival are just a few – while Virginia car insurance remains relatively expensive compared with its neighbouring states.

As is typically the case in most states, one of the key determinants of Virginia car insurance costs is driver history. Any violations such as speeding tickets or at-fault accidents will significantly raise premiums – sometimes up to double what would be expected with someone with no past violations or accidents on their record.

Teen car insurance policies tend to be more costly than policies for older drivers due to underwriters viewing teenagers as riskier drivers and more likely to cause accidents. Thus, adding their teens on to a parent or guardian’s policy often proves cheaper.

Location can also have an impactful on Virginia car insurance costs; urban areas usually experience higher premiums due to higher risks of traffic incidents and crimes than their rural counterparts.

Credit score can have a direct bearing on the cost of Virginia car insurance. Insurers use it to assess risk based on past credit history and financial stability of drivers; those with excellent ratings often see rates drop up to twofold more quickly compared to those with poor ones.

All the factors listed above will play a part in affecting Virginia car insurance rates, but certain will have more of an effect than others. To get an understanding of how they impact individual rates, it can be helpful to compare several sample quotes from leading providers such as State Farm, Allstate, GEICO and USAA.